Organizamos comunidades escolares por educación de calidad para la niñez
#EducandoJuntos #ConstruyendoUnMejorMañana
Juguemos a Emprender - "Let’s be entrepreneurs.
Vocational and socio-economic guidance for kids
- The program seeks, through dynamic and game-based activities, to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in elementary school students.
- In 12 sessions, we encourage kids to explore their likes/dislikes and self-reflect on their preconceived ideas of their abilities. Subsequently, they form teams with classmates and proceed to develop a product or service that addresses a need, problem or desire of their community, from which they imagine a business idea and create a mini-company.
- With this, we aid to the possibility that in the future our alumni will continue their academic trajectory, become honest/licit professionals and replicate their entrepreneurial experience.
Activación de consejos escolares de participación social - Activation of School Social Participation Councils
We empower school communities and create spaces that promote well-being, peace, quality education.
We empower school communities and create spaces that promote well-being, peace, quality education.
- Our methodology guides community stakeholders to activate and organize governing bodies (school councils, PTA – parent-teacher associations) within their elementary schools.
- How do we do this? Through workshops and ludic activities focusing on collective action, active citizenship, forgiveness and reconciliation, self-care and self-esteem, planning and management.
- These trainings develop skills enabling the community to design, implement and self-finance school improvement plans, enhance school climate, promote social cohesion, and bolster personal development for families.
- Emphasizing horizontal decision-making, evidence-based practices, and strategic alliances with local stakeholders to ensure the continuity of the project.
Escuelas Alegres - Joyful Schools
We enhance schools
- Enhances school infrastructure and the overall learning environment, turning classrooms into safe, welcoming spaces that inspire students to learn.
- Provides ongoing training and support for teachers and volunteers, promoting dynamic, interactive teaching methods that keep students engaged.
- Involves parents and the broader community in the educational process, fostering a sense of ownership and strengthening the school’s social fabric.
¿En donde trabajamos?
Where do we work?

Conoce el sueño de Daniela
Escuelas fortalecidas: organizamos comunidades escolares para que nuestra niñez tenga educación de calidad. Contáctanos para recibir más información sobre nosotros y acércate a una institución con 21 años de experiencia.
Motivamos y capacitamos a los Consejos Escolares.
Our Impact In Numbers
452+ schools have participated in our programs.
40,000+ parents, guardians, teachers, principals, and neighbors trained in the ACEPS methodology.
60,000+ hours of guidance provided to school councils.
+82,300 children graduated from the «Let’s be entrepreneurs.» program.
+100 schools rehabilitated and improved in infrastructure.
Únase a nosotros en la creación de una paz duradera
Join Us in Creating Lasting Peace
Help Us Support 100+ New Schools.
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